Go-to strategic partner for tobacco cessation
Developed with Mayo Clinic, EX Program by Truth Initiative is your best strategic partner to end smoking, vaping, and nicotine addiction.
Developed with Mayo Clinic, EX Program Premium by Truth Initiative is your go-to digital solution to end smoking, vaping, and nicotine addiction—and to reduce the hidden costs of tobacco use in your healthcare claims. A recent analysis by NORC at the University of Chicago showed EX Program delivers a 4.75x ROI for healthcare cost savings per participant in year 1. EX Program combines Mayo Clinic’s proven treatment model with Truth Initiative’s 15+ years of rigorous research in digital quit-tobacco interventions. To give transparent visibility into the program's performance, you gain access to a real-time dashboard to see your enrollment numbers, quit rate, use of evidence-based treatment components, and more. These advanced analytics drive year-round recommendations to reach your strategic objectives. Our program for participants, available in English and Spanish, includes:
- Dynamically tailored quit plan by quit journey status, age, use of the program, and tobacco use type (including menthol use)
- On-the-go, unlimited confidential and instant support via live chat coaching with EX Coaches, who are certified tobacco treatment experts, available on the web or through the EX Duo app
- Longest-running, largest community of social support from current and former tobacco users and Mayo Clinic experts through blogs, comments, and live events
- Dynamic text messaging personalized to the participant, including pregnant smokers and tobacco users with chronic conditions
- Nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges delivered to the participant’s home
Offer an incentive or surcharge? EX Program qualifies as a reasonable alternative standard.
Unlimited live chat with tobacco treatment experts
By providing support through live chat, it can be easier for those who are hearing-impaired to use. Some individuals also find it is more comfortable to share details about their quitting challenges and frustrations via live chat rather than over the phone. Live chat allows coaches to share resources in real time. EX Coaches can send articles and videos that relate to the chat, connect members with EX Community, and send participants directly to specific locations on our website to make the quitting process as easy as possible.
24/7 peer support in online social community
The award-winning EX Community is the longest-running, largest tobacco cessation community, thousands of current and former smokers, vapers, and nicotine provides an unrivaled level of peer support as users share candid advice and powerful motivation. Research has proven that participation in the EX Community is a key driver of quitting success. To enhance community connections, Mayo Clinic, EX Coaches and EX Community Managers regularly host live events on a range of topics, including how to quit menthol cigarettes, chronic conditions and quitting tobacco, and more.
Unparalleled expertise in nicotine cessation
EX Program is the only digital quit-tobacco program that combines Mayo Clinic’s proven treatment model with scientific leadership in digital cessation solutions from Truth Initiative. Truth Initiative has a portfolio of over 50 peer-reviewed research studies and manuscripts analyzing EX specifically. Plus, EX Program Client Success teams are experts in tobacco surcharge/incentive best practices, tobacco-free workplace policies, and strategies for an effective launch and continued engagement.
Reduced healthcare costs
A recent ROI analysis conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found EX Program delivers a 4.75x ROI from healthcare cost savings per participant in year one.
Easy integration into larger wellness strategy
For employers, our certified Client Success experts can guide you through best practices with integrating our cessation solution into your larger wellness strategy. For health plans, our team can guide you through best practices with promoting cessation through multiple touch points, including care managers and healthcare providers.